Limpokwena Volunteer Activities
Limpokwena Volunteers are offered the chance to experience what running a reserve in South Africa entails. We have created a program that incorporates the daily management of a pristine, untouched piece of wilderness as well as the hospitality aspect of running a lodge. The opportunities we offer can assist in students who are unsure of their career prospects and have an interest in conservation and wildlife management, or hospitality.
Experiences include camera trap surveys, predator call-ups and a great introduction into birding for anyone keen to start out. A safe,homely environment, with a limited number of volunteers, makes this experience focused with lots of hands on experience.

There is quite a bit of behind-the-scenes administration, marketing and sales that takes place to ensure our guests have a great experience with us; from the minute they enquire with us, to the day they depart.
As part of the volunteer experience, we will incorporate our volunteers into every aspect of our guests’ experience.
This is a great opportunity for anyone with a passion for hospitality and guest satisfaction to learn more and gain experience in the industry.
Often, besides the day to day running of a reserve, there are other exciting projects that take place:
- Species ID Kits:
- Predator Population Surveys:
- Bird Point-Counts:
We have found that often students or volunteers have a research project in mind, but do not have a location or the support to undertake the research projects. We would like to offer volunteers the opportunity at Limpokwena to use the reserve and the species diversity as a location for the subject of the proposed research. Students are invited to submit their research proposals to Limpokwena for review and if we are able to offer the required support and subject matter, students are welcome to register as a volunteer to conduct their research at Limpokwena.
Ever wondered what it takes to become a Reserve Manager? One of the best jobs in the world!
Limpokwena Volunteers are able to experience “a day in the life” of a reserve manager and everything that goes on to ensure that the reserve is running smoothly.
- Fence checks and repairs & maintenance
- Road repairs and clearing (The elephants ensure that there are always roads to be cleared!)
- Water holes – pumping water and general maintenance
- Veld management and brush-packing
Part of our responsibility to the surrounding communities is to ensure that our local communities are kept clean and we engage in responsible tourism by leading by example. Limpokwena Volunteers and staff will partake in clean-ups amongst communities that, due to poverty do not have access to appropriate garbage and refuse disposal. Our goal is to fill as many refuse bags as possible along with members of the community for a day.
The refuse is sorted and separated before we transport it to the appropriate landfill sites. Limpokwena has also supported rural schools in the area with funding and our hope is to be able to contribute again in the future with support from our volunteers.
Limpokwena Nature Reserve is the smaller sister reserve to Zingela Nature Reserves. Zingela is a larger reserve, with a diverse landscape and operates various game breeding projects. In order for our volunteers to get the most out of their experience, we would also like to offer a “best of both” package, where we offer 2 weeks stay at each reserve. This package is a month is duration, and we will offer a transfer between projects. Volunteers will be able to take part in a selection of activities offered on the reserves, making the most out of your time while with us.